Annual report 2023: Highlights


Annual report 2023

We’re especially proud this happened in 2023:


farmers are now taking part in traceability projects Fairfood is running

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We were already excited when traceable nutmeg hit the shelves at retailer Coop in 2018. Can you image the buzz at Fairfood’s headquarters when traceable nutmeg from Verstegen Spices & Sauces became available in all Dutch supermarkets! This way, nutmeg farmers were able to raise their income from nutmeg by 5%. Check out the nutmeg’s journey and the farmers who put in the work.

USAID, Development Gateway, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and others were just as impressed as we were, and decided to feature an elaborate case study on the partnership with Verstegen in a report on farmer-centric data governance. Check out the report here, or take a short-cut to the case-study here!

Fairfood is currently active in 13 countries, working on making commodities like citrus, coffee, cocoa and several spices more fair, together with 80 partners!

We signed


new partnerships, including with companies Tradin Organic, Volcafe and Sucafina, organisations Heifer Americas, Rikolto, and tech partners like Farmer Connect


workshops and trainings were offered to farmers and cooperatives in 4 countries where Fairfood projects are currently active: our team worked closely with partners in Uganda, Honduras, South Africa, and Honduras. 

We organised 3 sessions of our Living Wage & Income Lab, with over 100 participants, including key stakeholders like the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cargill, Tradin Organic, and others. The goal was to ensure all stakeholders are represented as we advocate for fair prices.

“A living wage is a negotiated wage, yet, in many supply chains, workers are seen as a cost item rather than an asset. It’s crucial to have a different mindset, recognising workers as fundamental contributors to products or services.” – Ruben Korevaar, FNV Mondiaal during a session of our Living Wage & Income Lab

Our work was featured in 3 studies defining the practice of inclusive approaches to technology: Inclusive Digital Design Toolkit: Practical guidance for Feed the Future activities (Athena Infonomics, Genesis Analytics, and USAID), Farmer-Centric Data Governance: Towards A New Paradigm (by USAID Bureau for Development, Democracy and Innovation (DDI), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Development Gateway, DAI, and Athena Infonomics), and Unlocking Data Sharing in Agriculture (by IDH)

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