
Digitally connecting even the most remote farmers to global supply chains.

Some key-features

Enrolling farmers

Farmers receive a personal NFC-based Farmer Card, with which they can validate transactions when selling their products. No smartphone needed!

Recording on-site transactions

Using the app, collectors record transactions on site, streamlining the collection process and facilitating farmer-verified payments by scanning the farmer’s card.

Data synchronisation

Connect works as a data collection agent, focusing mainly on basic farmer data and transactions. It allows for a smooth synchronisation of data between the Trace ecosystem and other, external systems, like cooperative management systems or ERP tools.

Core modules

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This module empowers administrators to define and manage user roles and permissions, ensuring that users have the appropriate level of access to the system’s features.

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At the heart of Connect lies the Transactions module, that records all transactions between companies and farmers. This encompasses a wide range of activities, including product transactions and the tracking of farmer payments.

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This module tailors the Connect experience to suit specific requirements. It offers administrators the ability to customise various aspects of the app’s functionality.

Sounds like something your company needs?

Get in touch with Derek for a product demo via LinkedIn


Derek Hardwick

Product owner Trace

Or send an email

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