These are our 2022 highlights:
In 2022,
125 companies and organisations were using Trace
farmers now have an account on Trace
Fairfood is currently active in 18 countries, working on making commodities like citrus, coffee, cocoa and several spices more fair, together with 80 partners! Among whom, companies like Verstegen Spices & Sauces, Dole Europe B.V., Trabocca and Fairtrade Original, governments such as the Dutch and German government, knowledge institutes like the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), and NGO’s such as Solidaridad and the Rainforest Alliance.
Some promising first results: We looked at a sample of 75 Indonesian nutmeg farmers
who are being paid a premium for providing Verstegen with transactional data using our Farmer Cards. On average, they made an extra 94 euro
on a yearly basis with this so-called Data Premium. This raises their income from nutmeg by 1.2%
We gave
trainings to local stakeholders (for example coffee cooperatives) on the use of Trace, and the added value of transparency and traceability
With a shared ambition of ensuring that technology and data are used to enable a more inclusive future, we are continuing our partnership with Cisco
, which allows us to expand the reach of our Trace platform and enhance first mile connectivity!
“The first year of our grant really met, and even exceeded, our expectations in terms of what Fairfood would accomplish. When we went into this, we understood the value of what Fairfood was doing. What we were not so sure of, was how much impact they could have on the industry; looking from the outside, we couldn’t see how they would influence these big agri-food companies to actually do these things. ‘What’s in it for them? Are you really going to be able to sign them on to this?’ At the end of this first grant period, Fairfood has proven that they were able to do this – they got some very big partners on board, and are working with a lot of farmers. We look forward to seeing how this can progress even further and faster with the second grant.” – Sue-Lynn Hinson, Grant Portfolio Manager at Cisco
fully traceable products made their way into consumers’ shopping baskets: vanilla from Social Vanilla in Danish supermarkets, and coffee from Trabocca at Simon Lévelt. At Dutch retailer Coop, consumers can still buy 100% traceable nutmeg from Verstegen Spices & Sauces.
“Everyone can buy Fairtrade coffee, but only a few companies can say, ‘These are the farmers who produced the coffee, and this is how much they got paid’. Transparency, traceability and open sourcing are actually helping us to attract more clients, and win tenders. It’s feeding into more trust with consumers, and everyone knows it.” – Ando Tuininga, co-founder of our partner Pure Africa, on the use of Trace.
We are grateful for the yearly 500 thousand euro funding, made possible by everyone partaking in the National Postcode Lottery! We wouldn’t be where we are today if it weren’t for you!
We organised 3 in-person sessions of the Living Wage & Income Lab, with over
participants and speakers from B Lab, the Rainforest Alliance, Frank About Tea and many other inspiring companies and organisations
“When we work on living wages and incomes, we become obsessed with numbers. I think it’s good to remind ourselves that even though having a number is important to help us implement it, it isn’t about just that number. It’s also about the process and the partnerships that come out of it.” – Bernard Gouw, Senior Manager of Social Standards at B Lab, during a Living Wage & Income Lab session
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